The pandemic changed the way we work out. Those who would typically spend hours in the gym every week were forced to look for new ways to stay active. And those who had never been active before the pandemic started to look at their health and wellness in a new light. Many of us turned to online workouts like Joe Wicks and Yoga with Adrienne to fill the gap.

Now that restrictions have eased and gyms are open again, some people have made the switch to home workouts permanent. Working out in your home is just easier. You don’t have to travel. You don’t have to compete for equipment. And you don’t have to worry about what other people around you are doing.

But this doesn’t mean that working out at home is always superior. Without the wide range of equipment and access to professionals, it’s far easier to make mistakes with your workouts. In this article, we’ll explore some of these common mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Why are home workouts so popular?

Home workouts give you access to all of the perks of a group class without having to leave the comfort of your own home. By removing the need to travel, you can save a lot of time, and it’s also becoming increasingly popular with those who are working from home. For many parents, home workouts might be the only option if they struggle to find childcare.

Home workouts are also popular with those who work 9-5. Anyone who has tried to find space in a commercial gym during peak hours will be familiar with the struggle. Working out at home simply means that you won’t be competing for space and equipment.

And finally, there is the issue of body image. Some people don’t feel confident in the gym and would much rather get sweaty and pull faces in the comfort of their own home. While there is a social aspect of the gym that is hard to replicate in your own home, if you have any level of anxiety about being in a crowded gym, working out alone can help you to feel more at ease.

What are the most popular home workouts?

Group classes like Les Mills and Peloton lead the charge for home workouts. But we’ve also seen a sharp increase in the number of people purchasing Olympic barbells and squat racks. This suggests that many people are also lifting weights in spare bedrooms and garages around the country. 

For low intensity workouts, online yoga and Pilates classes are also incredibly popular. YouTube offers a wealth of free workout classes you can try, or you could use an app like Centr or Freeletics to follow HIIT and bodyweight workouts. Personal trainers will often share bodyweight workouts on their Instagram and TikTok accounts, so you really don’t have to look very far for an effective and free workout plan.

Common mistakes with home workouts

While working out at home might come with some serious benefits, it’s not without its disadvantages. If you want to maximise the results from your home workouts, you need to avoid these common mistakes. If you’re guilty of any of these, we have a few tips to help you break the habit and increase the efficacy of your workouts.

Not following a plan

Without a doubt the biggest problem you will face with any workout plan – whether you’re in the gym or at home – is inconsistency. And this typically happens when you aren’t following a plan.

The best way to see results is to work out consistently. And the best way to achieve this is by following a plan. Making a plan means two different things. First, you need to know when you’ll be working out. You’re far less likely to bail on a workout if it’s in your schedule. And second, you need to know what you’ll be doing. Cherry-picking your workouts based on how you feel that day is a recipe for disaster.

Plan your workouts for the week or month ahead so you know exactly when you’re going to train and what you’ll be doing on those days. This will help with accountability and consistency.

Going easy on yourself

When you don’t have the pressure of other people around you, do you go a little easier on yourself? It’s easier to stop a HIIT workout when you’re feeling out of breath if you’re the only one in the class. It’s also easier to dial back the intensity if you don’t have people around you. 

So be honest, do you push yourself as hard as you can, or do you leave a little extra in the tank? Remember that your workouts won’t necessarily get easier, but you should get stronger. This means you’ll need to be able to push yourself harder and harder each week.

Keeping a log of your workouts is a great way to keep track of your progress and make sure you stay accountable. For group classes like Les Mills, you might want to try wearing a fitness tracker. And for strength training, use a tracking app or notebook to keep track of weights, sets and reps. 

Expecting a quick fix

While home workout plans can be incredibly helpful, there is also the risk of getting sucked into the world of quick fix promises. So many home workout programmes promise results in 4 weeks, 6 weeks or 12 weeks.

The people promoting these programmes have typically been working out for years and years, so expecting to achieve the same results in just a few months will only set you up for failure.

Instead of looking for the quick fix, you need to think about making permanent lifestyle changes. It’s only through consistency and healthy changes that you will actually be able to change your physique and maintain the results. So while these workout plans can be a great way to learn new exercises, make sure you’re thinking about long term changes rather than quick fixes.

Not creating the right environment

Doing HIIT workouts in your PJs or trying to exercise while watching TV simply isn’t going to deliver the best results possible. You need to get into the right mindset for exercise. And that means a costume change and creating the perfect workout space. 

Changing into workout clothes will help to prepare you mentally, but also helps you to focus on your workout, rather than what you are wearing. And creating a space for exercise in your home will allow you to make the mental shift from work or leisure time to training time. Just like you need to create a mental separation between where you work and where you relax, you also need some separation when you workout.

If you’re looking for home workout equipment to transform your training, we have a wide selection available.