Meditation and Weightlifting: How To Boost Your Gains with Mindfulness

Meditation and Weightlifting: How To Boost Your Gains with Mindfulness

Where does your mind wander to while you’re in the gym? You’re likely planning your post-workout snack, thinking about work, losing imaginary arguments, or just getting lost in your playlist. 

The mind likes to wander, and this can be great if it helps to make your workouts feel less taxing. But if you’re not seeing the results you want, staying present and focused could be what you are missing.

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The Role of Sleep & Rest When Building Muscle

The Role of Sleep & Rest When Building Muscle

Unlike most other interests and hobbies, building muscle is one of few commitments that leaves any aspect of your life untouched and can be an incredible catalyst for spawning a complete lifestyle change. Everything from your training routine, your social commitments, the food you eat (and don’t eat) and even you sleep schedule is influenced by your commitment to build muscle.

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